Earth´s Moon (1)

Earth’s only natural satellite is simply called “the Moon” because people didn’t know other moons existed until Galileo Galilei discovered four moons orbiting Jupiter in 1610. The moon is also the only place outside of the earth that has been visited by humans so far.

Name Moon
Discovery date unknown
Semi-major axis 384 400 km = 3.844 x 105 km (0,00257 AU)
Comparison: 0.00257 x Earth distance from the sun
Perigee 363 300 km = 3.633 x 105 km (0,00271 AU)
Apogee 405 500 km = 4.055 x 105 km (0,00243 AU)
Diameter 3474.8 km = 3.474 x 103 km
Comparison: 0.2724 x Earth
Circumference 10 916 km = 1.0916 x 104 km
Volume 21 970 000 000 km3 = 2.197 x 1010 km3
Comparison: 0.020 x Earth
Mass 73 483 000 000 000 000 000 000 kg = 7.483 x 1022 kg
Comparison: 0.0123 x Earth
Mean density 3.341 g/cm3
Comparison: 0.606 x Earth
Surface area 37 932 330 km2 = 3,793233 x 107 km2
Comparison: 0.074 x Earth
Surface gravity 1,622 m/s2
Comparison: 0.166 x Earth
Rotation period 27.322 Earth days
655.72 hours
Note: In synchronism with the Earth
Orbital period
(Length of a year)
0.075 Earth year
27.321661 Earth days
Note: Circulation = Rotation
Eccentricity 0,0554
Comparison: 3.285 x Earth
Inclination 5.16°
Note: Oscillates about 0.15° in 173 days
Axial tilt 6,68°
Peripheral orbit 2 290 000 km = 2,290 x 106 km
surface temperature
-160/130 °C = 113.15/403.15 K
The Moon. Photo: Ing. Erwin Roessler